Q: Do I have to place my order on the website?
A: No, you can use website or App. for a $1.00 convenience fee.
Q: How do I know you received my order?
A: You will receive a confirmation email, as well as a picture of the placement, when you place your order and a confirmation email after the task has been reported complete.
A: Please understand that due to the high volume of post-signs we install on any given day, it is not possible to meet our customers at the site at a particular time. The best way to insure we place the post where you would like it, is to place a marker. We suggest:
1. Stakes with ribbons.
2. Metal frames or directional arrows.
For underground sprinkler/invisible dog fence We require that you place a marker where the underground sprinkler/invisible dog fence runs. Or you can use a flag to indicate where is safe to install the post without causing damage to an underground sprinkler/invisible dog fence. If we get to the property and no marker is present, we will not install the post. A service call charge will apply for us to go back when the marker has been placed. Also, if you fail to inform us that the property has an underground sprinkler/invisible dog fence, etc., we will not be responsible for any damages.
If we are told to look for a marker on a property without special circumstances, and there is no marker present, our installer will use their best judgment. We do this to avoid delay and to save you the cost of a service call. If you dislike the location, there will be a service call charge to move it.
Q: What are your Installation days?
A: Within two business days following the day you order it. Almost all of the orders we receive are completed within those two days. In fact, 75% of the work requests we receive are completed the next day! However, there are some things that can delay a request. Such as Providing us with incorrect information.
Q: My Property(s) only want the service done on a certain day. Can you do that?
A: Our goal is to comply with our customer’s request, and our app and the website provide a delivery calendar, but we cannot guarantee service on any particular day. Nonetheless, We will do our best to follow any request from all our customers.
Q: The homeowner wants you to call before you come. Can you do that?
A: It is our policy that all communication remains strictly between the agent and the homeowner. Please inform them that we will service the task during the two business days after you request it.
Q: We’ve changed our mind and want to cancel the request. Can we stop the order?
A: Yes, and we will do our best to contact the installer, but please have a contingency planned in case we cannot reach them. Please understand that even with modern conveniences such as cellular phones, and computers, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to stop them. However, all of our installers are always directed to follow the homeowners request, and if the homeowner chooses to cancel the request on site, our installers will be happy to comply. If we are able to contact the installer prior to arriving at the property, there will be no charge.